About Randi

I was raised in Beverly Hills, California, the youngest child of Holocaust survivors. My mother's greatest gift to me was her positive outlook in difficult and trying times —something that's helped me throughout my life.
After attending UC Santa Barbara, I received my BA in Journalism from the University of Southern California and a Master of Science Management degree from Boston University. I was an Art Director in Los Angeles and Chicago, owned an art and frame Gallery in Israel, and worked in public relations before marrying and having a family.
Like Alix, the main character in my memoir, Beverly Hills Concentration Camp, I had a life altering experience. One day in 2008, while driving to visit my mother, I turned my head to the left and heard a noise in my head. I thought nothing more about it, until I woke up the next day unable to move. Doctors told me I'd never be able to use my left arm again unless I had surgery within a week to place metal disks in my neck. But something inside told me I was supposed to go in a different direction. The direction I chose — alternative healing — would forever change my life. My personal healing journey, working through all the layers of trauma and disappointment, taught me many tools I still use in my life today. Because of AlchemE there is an easy way to experience a different energetic.
I began training as a Healer and Shaman and discovered that healing others not only helped me heal but came naturally. I now believe I went through all that distress because I was meant to help others get through their own challenges. Today I continue to expand my skills as a Healer, while continuing to help others dive deep into extraordinary energy, joy and wellness.I live in Los Angeles with my husband and two children.